

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Grains, Cooking Ingredients, and Sauces

Baked Goods

This section is a little more difficult because while each ingredient has it's own properties, what it creates takes on a life of it's own. It's not always the same as other cooking methods, like making a soup or a roast. Some cooking ingredients don't even have real "magickal" properties. They're just necessary because a scientific reaction is needed to get a rise or a particular change to happen. These properties can change because of the occasion they're used at or even the colors of icing. You can have any kind of cake at a wedding and it wouldn't make it any less of a wedding celebration cake.

As far as the sauces, I would always suggest looking at the ingredients list and comparing those qualities for an overall feel. Every sauce is signature to it's company, so these are based on a typical ingredient list. I would also like to note that I highly recommend staying away from the reduced, lowered, or free of whatever as they tend to have less of the real and necessary ingredients to make it magickal. 

So let's get into some of the ingredients it takes to bake, cooking oils, grain, and all that.


All Purpose Flour - All purpose uses and can sub when needing something to mix together or get sticky
Almond Oil - purification, anoint magical wands and candles
Apple Cider Vinegar - Healing
Arrowroot - use in place of bone meal and baking powder


Baking Powder/Soda - Banishing, raising energy, increasing expectations
Balsamic -  Made from vinegar and grapes, this would be used specifically to sour someone's luck, joy, or ruin their spirituality
Barley - Water for love spells, healing, grounding, protection, Lammas, treating nerves,
Barbecue Sauce - Most of the ingredients are actually sweeteners, so I would use to help bring a relationship back from the brink of break up, settle disputes, or it can also be used to cause these problems.
Blue Cheese Dressing - see blue cheese
Butter - Smoothing relationships, buttering someone up, tenacity
Buckwheat - grounding, prosperity, protection


Chia Seed - Stops gossip and back-talk
Coconut Oil
Cornmeal - Sigil making, casting circles
Corn Syrup - luck, protection, solidifying plans and ideas.



Egg - fertility, creation, see this post
Extract - depends on the flavor and if its all natural


Flax Seed - Money, protection, beauty, psychic powers 


Gravy - depends on the meat base


Hops - Sleep, happiness, health
Hot Sauce - Can depend on the pepper, but usually put in curses and break ups to sour or cause aggression


Italian Dressing - 


Jellies - Depends on the fruit


Ketchup - Healing, love, See tomatoes


Lard - 





Oats - Money, prosperity, offerings to the gods
Olive Oil - Sacred plant, can sub any magickal oil for anoiting, add to ritual water and holy water, spirituality
Oyster Sauce


Peanut Butter - Depends on the nut
Peanut Oil
Pink Himalayan Salt - Love, self-love, beauty, happiness, etc



Ranch -
Relish - See cucumber
Rice - Protection, fidelity 
Rye - Self-love, encouraging affection, fertility


Salt - There is a difference between sea and table salt. Table salt contain iodine. Iodine coagulates your blood, so this can help with the normal healing abilities. Sea salt is perfect for circles, sealing off an area, purification, health, healing, banishing, cleansing, etc. 
Soy Sauce - Protection 
Steak Sauce - 

Sunflower Oil - Sun rituals and magick, fiery situations, purification through fire.


Thousand Island - 



Vegetable Oil - this one is a little iffy. It can be used as a cheap anointing oil, but the results will wane over time. This is more for passing occurrences or making things spoil quickly.
Vinegar - Break ups, sours dispositions, can eve turn enemies working together against each other.
Vinaigrette -


Wheat - Sacred to the Mother Goddess, prosperity, rebirth, abundance, wishes, money, wheat flour divination
Worcestershire Sauce -  This is a fish based sauce, so it's likely to have water based properties such as healing and purifying. Its ingredients list also suggests banishing as well. 



Yeast - Grounding, purification 


© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Kitchen Magick - Fruit

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash



Apple: Fruit of the Gods, balance, harmony, health, strength, rebirth, peace, love, longevity

Apricots: sweetens someone's disposition, romance, passion, health, peace

Avocado: beauty, passion, arousal, fertility, improve dispositions,


Bananas: prosperity, male members, sex, money, love, happiness, wisdom

Blackberries: Wealth, wards away the evil eye, abundance, fertility, money, sex

Blueberries: Acceptance, peace, protection from psychic attack


Cantaloupe: Sweeten one's disposition, 

Cherries: Divination, finding love, discern the future, sex, potency, energy, creativity

Coconut: Purification, heath, diversity, chastity, abundance

Cranberries: Purification, banishing, fight negative energies


Dates: Celebrates death, potency, sex, fertility

Dragon Fruit: Strength, stamina, protection, energy




Figs: meditation, fertility, love, good luck, abundance, infatuation


Grapefruit: health

Grapes: Spirituality, mental clarity, dream magick, visions, women's fertility, wealth, romance, prosperity, luck, joy, abundance

Guava: romantic fantasies, stress relief


Honeydew: Cleansing, healing, purification, home and hearth

Huckleberries: Fortune, home protection, banishing negative energies, dream magick, anti-negativity, banishment, good luck, wishes



Jackfruit: Protection,


Kiwi: happiness, health, longevity, love, romance

Kumquat: Luck, prosperity


Lemon: contact spirits, cursing, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship, growth, happiness, health, longevity, love, psychic powers, purification, marriage, overcoming addictions

Lime: cleansing, cursing, energy, healing, health, love, peace, protection, purification, relaxation, strength


Mandarin: (see orange)

Mango: Spiritually charged, elevation, lust, love, protection, balance, harmony

Mulberries: Fertility, protection, psychic awareness, strength, wisdom


Nectarine: Love


Olives: Abundance, goals, integrity, trust, favors, sexual potency, fertility, pregnancy

Oranges: Wealth, happiness, fertility, clarity, love, fidelity, quickness, peace, prosperity, generousness,


Passion Fruit: Passion, romance, friendship, calmness, relationships,

Papaya: Love, protection, fidelity, banishment, hex breaking,

Peaches: happiness, healing, fertility, longevity, love, wisdom, luck, lust, attention, virginity, youth, purity

Pear: Strength, lust, longevity, energy, love, sex, stress relief, arousal, confidence

Permission: Happiness, healing, love, sexual identity, change, wisdom

Pineapple: Love, lust, protection of one's possessions and family, chastity, creativity, fortune, memory, power, luck, prosperity

Plantain: (see banana)

Plums: Health, love, lust, protection. anti-negativity, adoration, attention, relaxing

Pomegranate: Luck, longevity, divination, beauty, abundance, fertility, creativity, hospitality, growth, wishes

Prickly Pear: Protection

Prunes: (see plums)


Quince: Happiness, love, protection, romance, marital bliss


Raisins: (see grapes)

Raspberries: Courage, dreams, fertility, good luck, happiness, love, stamina, vigor, childbirth

Rhubarb: Willpower, reduces worry, dominance,


Star Fruit: Protection, lunar magick

Strawberries: Youth, peace, joy, love, prosperity, intensity, success,


Tangerine: Protection, (see orange)


Uva Ursi: Strength, healing



Watermelon: Cleansing, healing, purification




  © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Kitchen Magick - Vegetables

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash



Artichoke: Personal growth, protection, the bottoms are an aphrodisiac, grounding

Arugula: Wealth, prosperity

Asparagus: Lust, sex, male member


Bamboo Shoots: Luck

Beet: Beauty, love, passion, rebirth, love, fertility

Bell Pepper: Energy, strength, prosperity, growth

Bok Choy: Prosperity,

Broccoli: Protection, leadership, strength

Brussels Sprouts: Protection


Cabbage: lust, prosperity, protection, longevity, fertility, money, love, health

Carrot: fertility, grounding, luck, lust, dispels illusions, banishing, clarity, sex

Cauliflower: protection, lunar cycles,

Celery: grounding unspoken passions and lust, mental powers, peace, psychic powers, concentration, mental clarity

Chickpeas: Fertility, 

Chicory: Energy

Chives: Breaking habits, protection, exorcism, sex, addiction

Collards: Abundance, wealth, family, money

Corn: Abundance, attracts rain, burn to help up delivery 

Cucumber: Chasity, fertility, healing, peace, 


Dandelion Greens: Increases psychic powers, health, strength, wishes


Eggplant: Spirituality, money, prosperity, wealth

Endive: Love, lust, physical strength, attract lovers

Escarole: Fall crop, abundance, family


Fava Beans: Luck


Green Beans: decision making, grounding, love, lust, prosperity, protection, money, sex, divination, 




Jicama: Health


Kelp: Sea magick, weight loss, health


Leeks: Drives away evil and impurity, physical strength, protection

Lettuce: Peace, money, chastity, relaxation, sleep, psychic centering

Lotus Root: Wheel of the Year, changing, time, life, death, and rebirth


Mushrooms: Psychic awareness, strength, courage, health, spiritual journeys, 



Okra: Love, romance,

Onions: Endurance, healing, lust, prophetic dreams, prosperity, protection fro disease, used for oaths, exorcism, 


Parsnip: (see carrot)

Peas: Luck in love and finance, prosperity

Pickles: (see cucumber) 

Potatoes: Protection, compassion, potency, wishes, poppet magick, 

Pumpkins: Abundance, divination, money, prosperity



Radicchio: Exotic, lust, wealth,

Radish: Lust, protection, wards off the evil eye, sacral chakra

Red Peppers: Energy, strength, vitality

Relish: Amplifies whatever it is added to, passion

Rhubarb: Love, protection, fertility, willpower, reduces worry,

Rutabagas: (see turnip)


Shallots: (see onion)

Snap Peas: (see peas)

Soy Beans: Abundance, prosperity, health, longevity, psychic awareness, spirituality

Spinach: Prosperity, strength, health, money

Squash: Spirituality, (see pumpkin and other squash)

Sweet Potatoes: Nurturing, family, sex, love


Tomatillo: wealth, prosperity, money, luck

Tomatoes: Healing, love, prosperity, protection, romance, repels negative energies, health, 

Truffle: Love, lust, aphrodisiac, wealth, power

Turnip: Wards off unwanted presences, keep away evil spirits, banishing, 




Watercress: Fertility, mental powers, protection, longevity, strength, wisdom



  • Yams: (see sweet potato)

Yellow Pepper: Empowered creativity


Zucchini: Abundance, prosperity, sex, 

  © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Kitchen Magick - Meat, Fish, and Other Proteins

Photo by Teddy Kelley on Unsplash
Regardless of how you feel about meats, we have been eating them since the dawn of time in one form or another. Meat are what assisted in developing our frontal lobe during evolution. Domesticating cattle and such assisted in a growing economy, civilization, etc. There are many more than those listed. If you would like to add to the list, feel free to comment below. (You will be credited.)

Meat Correspondences

Beef : (fire)
aggression, bliss, excitement, grounding, prosperity, protection, strength
Chicken : (fire)
fertility, grounding, healing, protection, strength well-being
Deer : (fire)
elegance, grace, protection, refinement, strength
Foul: (fire)
cycle of nature, divination rituals, faithfulness, fidelity, 
Ham :
dramatic energy, grounding, protection, theatrical flair, strength
Lamb : (fire)
caring, kindness, sensitivity, strength, warmth
Liver: (fire)
courage, passions, power, the soul
Pork : (fire)
drama, enhances energies of other foods, grounding, fertility, strength
abundance, creativity, fertility, love, luck, moon magick, success, 
Sausage : (fire)
grounding, protection, variety, zestful male energy

docile, family, playful, survival
Turkey : (fire)
attention, family gatherings, grounding, motivation, pride, protection

Photo by Tikkho Maciel on Unsplash

    Fish Correspondences

    Caviar : (water)
    lust, wealth
    Crab : (water)
    enlightenment, grounding, lust, protection
    (General) Fish  : (water)
    fertility, love, lust, psychic powers, strength. the unconsciousness
    Lobster: (fire)
    barbaric and chaotic behavior
    (General) Shellfish : (water)
    lust, psychic awareness
    Salmon: (water)
    Oysters: (water)
    aphrodisiac, sexual identity, 


    beauty, health, protection, youth
    Almonds: (fire)
    Finding thing, luck
    Beans: (air)
    exorcism, love, money, reconciliations, potency, protection, sex, and wort charming. 
    • black - overcome hurdles
    • butter - reduce stress
    • canary - happiness, success in the arts
    • black eyed - luck, predictive visions
    • Chickpeas - competitions.
    • Fava - power, wishes 
    • Lentils - financial security, peace 
    • Navy - determination, strength
    • Pinto - action, movement, open paths 
    • Red kidney - love, healing, wisdom
    • Tonka - romance
    • Whole green - money
    Brazil Nut
    Love, prosperity, luck
    Prosperity, money, work, comunication
    fertility, prosperity, success, mental powers
    Egg : (water)
    fertility, lust, protection, mysteries, spirituality, strength
    creativity, fertility, luck, innovation, wisdom, mental powers
    Kola Nut:
    prosperity, opportunity, grounding
    Employment, prosperity
    Pine Nut:
    Love, strength, prosperity
    Sun Flower:
    Wealth, rebirth, sun magick, leadership, fertility, abundance, conceiving, increase integrity and virtuousness
    fertility, new opportunity, wealth

      © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

    Wednesday, August 15, 2018

    Into to Kitchen Magick

    What is Kitchen Magick?

    Kitchen Magick, or Witchery, is the use of cooking for spells. This includes everything from potions and drinks to full meals. Every item used is picked for a specific use to either create a whole spell. You can add to it by using sigils and symbols carved into meats, bay leaves, pies, etc. This extensively uses herbal knowledge, but incorporates the magickal properties of meats and other foods that you wouldn't normally use in entry level spell work.

    We're going to split this up into separate posts for each section of foods. This will make this MUCH easier to navigate and use for future research. I'll also include some easy recipes and spreads for your dining pleasure. Click the links to read the information.

    Spices and Herbs:

    Meats, Fish, and Other Proteins



    Grains, Breads, Baked Goods

    Dairy, Sweet, Sugars

    Cooking Oils, Alcohol, and Other Ingredients

    © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018

    The Elements

    Tom Holmes @unsplash

    What Are the Elements and Why Do We Use Them?

    Before we go any further, lets go ahead and discuss the elements and why we use them. I'm sure by now you understand that there are actually Five; Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and Spirit. These are represented in the pentacle and pentagrams you'll see many witches and Pagans wear. (Pentacles are the star in a circle. Pentagrams are just the star.) These five elements are all connected and used to create life and everything around us. These same elements are used to borrow the energy from when we cast spells and create our intent to send out to the universe. Each energy has it's own effect and use. Some witches and Pagans work best with certain ones. Others will try to incorporate them all into their spells and even their altars. Even as a more Traditional Pagan, I use the same format, or a like one for my own sacred space.

    The elements have a place in every part of witchcraft. They can be summed to assist, used in a more literal sense, and also be used through other items such as herbs or tools. They are the essential building block to everything you will learn and are by far the very most important to understand and study. I cannot stress that last sentence enough.

    How Do We Use the Elements?

    Like I said, we use them in many different ways. We decorate our altars or sacred spaces with chalices, incense holders, candles, and stones or wood along with some form or deity or higher power. Even the more folk practices use all of them either through deity representation, offerings or in the construction of the houses they make for the spirits. It's always been used and understood that the elements are life's energy itself and live in and create everything around us. Each element does have it's own personality, though.

    Air - I KNOW

    Best Used for : Wishes, Study, Travel (Astral and Physical), Learning, Freedom, Teaching, Finding lost items, Divination, Visualization, Wind Magick, 
    Body :  Lungs, Mouth, Mind, Ears
    Cardinal Direction : East
    Creatures : Griffons, Sprites, Slyphs
    Color : Yellow, White
    Herbs : Spring flowers and other super fragrant plants, Acacia, Agrimony, Almond, Anise, Bluebell, Blowball, Dill, Eyebright, Fennel, Goldenrod, Hazel, Lavender, Lungwort, Mistletoe, Nutmeg, Oregano, Parsely, Peppermint, Sage, Wormwood
    It is : Active and Masculine
    Manifestation : Sounds, Wind, Breath, Thought, Communication, Knowledge, Secrets
    Metal : Copper, Iron, Tin
    Season : Spring
    Stones : Clear quartz and other translucent stones, Amethyst, Citrine, Fuschite, Mica, Turquoise
    Tarot Suit : Swords
    Time of the Day : Dawn, 5 am - 10 am.
    Zodiac : Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

    Without air, we simply would cease to exist, so approach it with the upmost respect. Without air we wouldn't have flight, movement, or sounds necessary for music and communication. Secrets and wishes can be kept or manifested using air. Birds are also a used to represent it, as well as other creatures that take flight, especially song birds. Spring is the newness of the earth. It gives life back to the world in the same way breathing awakens a new born. It can destroy just as quickly though, in the form of tornadoes, severe wind gusts, and death, itself.

    Wind Witches work specifically with this element. As a person, it can represent someone who is a little lofty, curious, and studious. At the worst they can come off as emotionally detached because they are so caught up in the "I Know" that they forgot what "I Feel". They're unique and rebellious in a progressive way, though as a younger person, it may be more of a "I know better than you" typical sass. They can dominate a conversation, but on purpose. They want to discuss what they learned that say. While they love to communicate, they can be loners and take a back seat in more public settings. They'll feed a movement, but they'll rarely lead it. 

    To clean or consecrate an item or space, vibrations, song, or smoke from smudge bundles and incense can be used. It's represented on the altar with smoke or a form of sound.

    Earth - I UNDERSTAND

    Best Used for : Abundance, Binding, Career, Crystals, Fertility, Gain, Gardening, Home, Kitchen Magick, Knot Magick, Health, Prosperity, Wealth 
    Body : Bile, Stomach
    Cardinal Correspondence : North
    Color : Brown and Green
    Creatures : Dryads, Dragons, Fauns, Gnomes, Giants, Goblins, Troll
    Herbs : Grains, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Mushrooms, Patchouli, Potaotes, Red Poppy, Rice, Wheat, Vetiver 
    It is : Passive and Feminine
    Manifestation : Ancestors, Fertility, Grounding, Household, Prosperity,  Protection
    Metal : Lead and Mercury
    Season : Autumn
    Stones :  Emerald, Flourite, Halite, Jade, Loadstone, Peridot, Onyx
    Tarot : Pentacles Suit
    Time of Day : Dusk, 5 pm - 10 pm
    Zodiac : Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

    Earth is home. It gives us the supplies to build and shield ourselves, to clothe our backs, and the very crops, animals, and foods we eat. It IS the herbs we use in everything from cooking to healing; even with modern medicine. It is bountiful if we work with it and showers us with abundance when we put the effort into that work. It gives us glory. It also provides us with wealth in the form of metals such as gold and silver. 

    Earthy Witches are often busy bodies. They are all about work and often little play, but that doesn't mean they aren't fun. They can light hearted and giving, more the caregiver personified in many ways. They can be stubborn, stern, and stuck in their ways, but they are are always loving and doing what's best for the family as opposed to being selfish. However, they will expect the same in return if they ever need it.  They should take are to remember that meditation, or even just a break, isn't going to ruin their goals. They are known for making things happen, but through careful planning. Negatively, they can be greedy, materialistic, and narrow-minded. "My way or the highway" can be heard or felt loudly when out of sync. They are usually grounded and when they get out of balance, returning to the earth is necessary.

    To cleanse or consecrate an area or tool, most will use salt, but willow branches and the wood itself works as well. I would also suggest even Palo Santo, thought it can be used as both an air or earth item, in my opinion. It's represented on the altar with wood, crystals, a bowl of salt, or dirt. 

    Fire - I AM

    Best Used for : Banishing, Creativity, Empowering, Exorcism, Protection,  Purification, Tantra, Revenge, Sex, Success, Will
    Body : Blood, Head
    Cardinal Correspondence : South
    Color : Red and Orange
    Creatures : Dijinn, Dragon, Phoenix Salamander
    Herbs : Allspice, Basil, Cacti, Chili Pepper, Cinnamon, Coffee, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, Garlic, Juniper, Mustard, Nettle, Onion, Red Pepper, Sunflower, Tobacco
    It is : Active and Masculine
    Manifestation : Action, Anger, Courage, Destruction, Energy Work, Invention, Innovation, Passion, Sex, Strength, Transformation, 
    Metal : Brass, Gold, Steel
    Season : Summer 
    Stones : Amber, Diamond, Garnet, Lava Stones, Ruby, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye
    Tarot : Wands Suit
    Time of Day : Day Time, 11 am - 4 pm
    Zodiac : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 

    Fire was often used as the best way to communicate with the gods. That's why you see most spells prefer that you burn wishes or manifestation requests. Fire is a volatile element. It's only has safe as you keep it and if it can find a way to break free it will. It is there to keep us safe and helped us develop our frontal lobe through cooked foods, but it can just as quickly be severely damaging. 

    Fire Witches can be just as crazy. They are passionate lovers and wear their emotions on the other person's sleeves. Often energetic to the point manic, at worst, jumping head first into most of life's choices without a plan. That's not to say they aren't good people, or intelligent, in fact, they're often rather lucky or wonderful at thinking on their feet so they can stick the landing. They can be fearless and are often the daredevils who volunteer to be the first in the tank to swim with the sharks. When unbalanced, they can be greedy, vengeful, destructive (even to themselves), egotistical, and even abusive.

    You can run things through fire to cleanse them and are usually represented on the altar as a candle, but blades and wands are others. 

    Spirit - I ASCENDED

    Best Used for : Ancestors, Connecting as a Whole, Path Work, Religious (Dedication, Initiation), Spiritual, Spirit Animals
    Body : Soul, Higher Self
    Cardinal Correspondence : Center
    Color : Black, Purple, White
    Creatures : Sphinx, Snake Devouring Itself, Unicorn
    Herbs : Apples, Vervain
    It is : Androgynous
    Manifestation : All forms of Magick, Alchemy, Change, Divinity, Unification
    Season : All
    Stones : Jet, Metorite, Onyx, Obsidian
    Tarot : All Major Arcana
    Time of Day : Midnight and Noon
    Zodiac :

    This element is the inclusion of all elements. It can also be considered as the connection we have to the divine, our ancestors, and those that come after us. This is the web of fate. The never-ending wheel continuing to turn despite what's around it. It is unaffected by the living and the dead. So, what does it do? Well, it does everything. Remember that one published article stating that we are all star dust, or that we have some in our genetic make up? Spirit is that star dust we all share. It's the Eden Adam and Eve left, the apple they ate of, and the gods themselves who let them do so for the sake of free will. It's the cycle of life and death while being the promise of the afterlife.

    I haven't met any witch that really specializes in this element. I would probably say, if there were any, they would be adept with all of them or be super religious, like a priest/ess or even a nun type archetype. 

    It's represented by the cauldron on the altar. As far as cleansing, maybe filling it with water, smoke, or salt would work. Or placing the item inside and asking for the deities blessing.

    Water - I FEEL

    Best Used for : Astral Travel, Divination, Dreams, Fertility, Healing, Love Magick, Lucid Dreaming, Mirror Scrying, Psychic Powers, Wisdom
    Body : Bones, Ears, Kidneys, Subconscious
    Cardinal Correspondence : West
    Color : Blue and Silver
    Creatures : Fae, Merpeople, Nymphs, Sea Monsters, Undines
    Herbs : Aloe, Balm of Gilead, Burdock, Belladonna, Clotsfoot, Fern, Gardania Lemon, Lotus, Moss, Mytrle, Periwinkle, Seaweed, Spearmint, Violet, Water Lily, Yarrow
    It is : Passive and Feminine
    Manifestation : Cleansing, Compassion, Death/Rebirth, Dreams, Emotional, Healing
    Metal : Copper, Silver
    Season : Winter
    Stones : Aquamarine, Coral, Lapis, Limestone, Moonstone, Pearl
    Tarot : Cups Suit
    Time of Day : Night, 11 pm - 4 am
    Zodiac : Cancer, Pieces, Scorpio

    The world and our bodies are 70% water and water is often controlled by the moon. That's to say, that we and the world around us is greatly influenced by emotion as well as the Moon deities. The moon is often seen as the unknown,while also being the ultimate feminine symbol because of it's phases. It has hold over our dreams, secrets, and hidden knowledge. Eastern culture says that the soul will cross water when we pass and we see this also in other more Western practices of burial at sea and the river Styx. Even with all of these amazing characteristics of water, too much and we'll drown. 

    Water Witches can seem a little drifty and odd, as if they have one foot in the present and another just in the future. They are ever flowing, which helps them adapt to changing circumstances. They can also be very open with their feelings, almost to the point of not really thinking things through because they are so busy listening to their heart. They are easy going and usually sociable, easily making friends. When they're feeling out of wack, they can become overly attached and dependent, depressed, or insecure.

    Represented on the altar using a cup, seashells, or just a bowl of water. You can cleanse items through a ritual bath or rooms by moping or spraying water the same way you would smudge. Florida water is amazing!

      © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

    Thursday, August 9, 2018

    Crystals and Metals

    Kyanite Pendulum

    Types, Uses, and How to Clean:

    It's absolutely important to note that this is a rather personal thing to make. Don't let this list fool you though.Research every possibility out there and take this guide with a grain of salt. If none of these feel right to you, then find one that does. Every witch is different, so there is never a one size fits all in these cases. I hope you find this list helpful and informative. Blessed be, Witches.


    There are HUNDREDS of crystals and sites that you can easily use to find these resources, the issue is that many are different or based on personal feeling. With this being said, I'm only going to list the best crystals for pendulums in my personal experience. I, personally, have a very difficult time relating to any crystal aside from amethyst and citrine. 

    OF COURSE this is at the top. Amethyst is the #1 go to for any and ALL divination purposes. It's a purple quartz, so it often more translucent than other stones. What's important here is really it's color. The more richer the purple, the better it is for a pendulum.

    This stone is wonderful for clearing your mind so you can better focus on the task at hand. It can also help open your third eye.

    Purple Flourite:
    Again, opens your third eye, but it also helps out with decerning the meaning of messages.

    This crystal is special because it actually "cleans itself" by not holding onto negative energies. It's also perfect for finding truths and justice.

    This is an all purpose stone, especially in workings with divination.

    Another obvious choice. It's namesake should tell you that this wonderfully mystic stone is perfect for finding things and answers while also upping your intuition.

    This is an overall wonderful scrying stone because of its black color. It can show you the answers to the unknown.

    Clear Quartz:
    This is like the white candle of the crystals. If all else fails, or you just don't have any other stone, use clear quartz.

    This is wonderful when dealing with communication to the other side.


    These can be used as the chain, the stand, and as the weight, itself.

    This is best for working outside of the body, but in terms of divination tools, I would say that it helps to connect to the universal truth.

    This is perfect for divination because it's often used to find answers and help work through personal breakthroughs.

    This works best for foresight, as well as hindsight.

    This is another special element that doesn't need to be cleaned. It can help to keep the weight you use neutral in its answers as well.


    Promotes communication, intelligence, and wisdom. This is also the wood of the tree, Yggdrasil, that Odin sacrificed himself to gain the knowledge of the Volva. Hands down, the best wood for divination tools.

    All around divination and magickal research.

    This is often used for intuition aid and insights, so this can be helpful, but might not be the best choice.

    Helps with acquiring knowledge and communications.

    Assists with concentration and focuses the mind.

    Assists with the third eye and other divination pursuits. 

    Other items to consider:

    Seashells! Yes, seashells. They're all natural, which is what you want, they're heavy, some have points, and they're beautiful! These would be perfect for sea witches or those mostly connected to the water element.

    Random rocks, yeah... Sometimes they just fall right into your lap. Other times your kids throw them at you or stuff them in your pocket. I've found some really pretty rocks all over the place. Lava rock is great for those who prefer the fire element or live in a hot place.

    String: So long as its all natural, use it. Purple is the best color, but others can be white or even black and blue.

    Charms, but so long as they're not crazy. If you get the ones that open, you can write your intent in them plus some herbs. Even beads are nice and can be as simple or complex as you like. Make your own with resin casts.

    Don't like any of those? Make your own crystal:

    How to Clean:

    However you like, honestly. Lay it out in the moon light. Use smoke from incense or a smudge. Run it through a flame or even water. This part is really up to you and how you feel is best. I work with candles a lot, so I often choose the candle flame. If you do this, don't hold it in the flame, just pass the crystal through it three or nine times. If it's wood or string, please DO NOT cleanse using a flame. Remember Smokey the Bear!

    © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

    Tuesday, August 7, 2018

    Pendulums ( with free download boards)

    Purchase this on Etsy now.

    What Are Pendulums?

    A pendulum is usually a specific type of weight hanging from a chain or string. It can be a fancy crystal, piece of metal, or even a rock. It could even be a seashell. It freely swings using gravity and momentum from a pivot point either circling or moving in a (somewhat) straight line. They can be used to answer questions, on spirit boards for more complex situations, or to even find items. The user uses their own energy to communicate with it, so its not often something that can be used by multiple people and should be cleansed before giving it away. 

    There are two ways to use a pendulum. You can either hold the chain in your hand and dangle it over the divination mat or map or you can use a stand, also called a fob. Holding it in your hand can cause a bit of user error. The human body has its own movements even if you don't notice them or cause them consciously. By using a stand, this problem will be eliminated making for a more precise  outcome. There are many different types of stands.

    History of Use:

    The Chinese scientist Zhang Heng used the pendulum in the first century to detect earthquake tremors. He was a geographer, astrologer, astronomer, and a mathematician. He used his gifts and knowledge to predict future events for the Emperor in the Han Dynasty. It then traveled to Europe in the 1400's through Dowsing. This was originally used to find metals in Germany, but in 1518, Martin Luther wrote it in as an act that broke the First Commandment. (But don't remind him that Moses used one to find water under a rock.)

    Sebastian Münster's Cosmographia Index
    Sebastian Münster's Cosmographia Image of Dowsing in a mine.
     It was used very extensively throughout the world, before it was inevitably ended, and with wonderful results. However it wasn't used for divination until the Roma traveled through Italy and brought it to a more "main stream" view. To avoid persecution, they would disguise the tool as a necklace.

    The oldest recorded use of the pendulum was actually found on a cave dwelling in Algeria. The more I read about it, it seems they mixed it up with a Dowsing Rod, much like the Germans above. As far as divination goes, some will say it was Romans. They would predict the outcome of battles using one. This is also where we get the idea behind using letters as they would place one suspended in a glass jar. Every time the correct letter was said, it would tap the glass. That sounds extremely time consuming to me, but they relied on it enough to use it.

    How to Read Using a Pendulum

    Free Download
    As said before, you can use this multiple situations. You can create your own mat using a simple design, or even go grandiose and use or make your own board in the same fashion of a Ouija Board. The traditional way is pictured below in the free downloads.

    • Yes is straight, going up and down.
    • No is straight going from the left to the right.
    • Ask Again/No Answer is from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. You'll usually get this when you should reword your question or the answer isn't meant to be known to you.
    • Maybe is from the bottom left to the upper right. I honestly hate maybe's because it's basically just saying "Make a decision and ask if was the right one".
    • If it goes in a circle clockwise, its a possible yes. This usually means that as your path is today, you're going the right direction to make this happen
    • Counter clockwise circle is a possible no, meaning as things are right now, it's not going to happen.

    Free Download
    In the image to the upper left, you see a more complex board allowing you to even spell out an answer, while the right is mainly intended for those new to using a pendulum and easy to answer questions. I like placing them under a stand. Instead of touching the pendulum while asking my question, I place the tips of my fingers barely on the stand itself to eliminate all possible forms of human error. The point is for the pendulum to utilize your energy and higher self to find the answer. Others will go all out by calling the corners, casting a circle, and meditating to clear their mind. All, including myself, will suggest you speak out loud and explain the situation if need be.

    Before use, you should always consecrate your tools for their purpose. On your first reading, you'll need to set the directions up by instructing the pendulum what direction each answer is or to use the pendulum board to give you the answer. If you don't do this, it won't know how to answer you and it might have its own way of doing things, which can give a false reading.

    In our next blog, we'll go over the different types of metals for chains and crystals as well other fun objects you probably never thought of to make your own pendulum.

    © 2018, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

    Thursday, August 2, 2018

    Lammas, Lughnasadh, and Tailtiu


    Northern Hemisphere: Aug 1st
    Southern Hemisphere: Feb 1st
    Colors: Red, Yellow, Gold, Brown, Orange
    Decor: Wheat stalks, Grains, Oats, Corn, Apples, and other summer veggies and fruits.

    Lammas is the Neo-Pagan holiday celebrating the last few weeks of summer. This is actually an Anglo-Saxon festival to mark the annual what harvest. However, it is important to note that this founded after the Christianization of the area, so while this is a Germanic Tribe, it's not actually sacred to these particular pagans.

    So How Did it Become Anlgo?

    This is a very easy explanation. In literally every culture all over the world grain is a staple, even today. It's used in so many different ways and was the main way to overcome starvation in the colder months. Without it, villages would be wiped out. In Egyptian culture it signified the cycle of life and death and even today, the scythe, can be seen on many Gods and Goddess and other religious relics, such as the Santa Muerte and Cronus. This time of the year was everything and so it was highly respected. It only makes sense that it would be seen in Europe.



    There is Lugh, the Celtic Master of Crafts, but he's more like the Roman's Mercury, not harvest. He is depicted with a ray of sunshine behind him and he does relate to making things, so... maybe, but it sounds more and more like a stretch. Now, there is lore that states his foster mother, Tailtiu who IS the Goddess of Agriculture. He was actually performing funeral rites after she died from exhaustion while plowing the fields for her people. It's also been suggested that this was more about the Goddess Eriu, who Lugh was intended to and during this time the older Kings would "marry the land" and look after her.

     The other Germanic denominations don't have anything either. So, it sounds more and more like an accidental linguistic barrier. The name of the month was Lunasa, so both words do have a similar root and like with many pagan traditions, the months and pantheons were often likened to each other. The more and more I read about him, though, the more and more I believe it had little to do with him as opposed to what he did.

    So... The Anglo's?

    Now we're tackling how this became the celebration of a harvest and not the solemn funeral of Tailtiu. It was likely they people could sacrifice the first of their harvest to her by baking bread and hoping for a better harvest the remainder of the harvest season. This was later adopted by the Anglo-Saxon Christians and continued to be carried on by the Catholic Church on through the Protestant separation.

    How to Celebrate Lammas:

    Now that we've better understood where this name for the Celt Holiday came from, let's talk about celebration. We found out its actually a funeral and possibly a wedding. We know that many articles will tell us a happy time, but this seems far more like we should be thankful and humbled. 

    Break your bread and be thankful it came from the store and that there will be plenty more later. Drink some cider and be humbled by the fact that all of your ancestors are what made your life today through their seemingly small efforts and blight outlook, they worked and created. Invoke Lugh, or your pantheon's similar deity, and create beautiful corn dolls to represent your family. Create or purchase some beautiful wheat and corn decor. Hold a solemn ceremony and set out some bread for the Gods. If you're Norse or Germanic, like myself, pluck some sunflowers and mourn Baldr and start preparing for the coming harvest.

    Here's a lovely video on how to create a corn dolly: 

    and another on how to weave wheat:

    © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

     videos from youtube
    Photo by Wesual Click on Unsplash

    Sunday, July 22, 2018


    We're taking a couple weeks to enjoy summer vacation before school starts up again in August. We will restart our blog then. We are also taking this time to update previous blogs with newly found information. 

    © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

    Thursday, July 5, 2018

    Spirits and Children

    So, I had some odd encounters as a child with the other side up until I hit the age of puberty. I'm was almost as if my brain just stopped listening to that part of me. I expected to have some of the same things happen to my kids simply because things like that tend to travel in the family.

    I'm using this post to discuss situations I have gone myself in both personally and with my son and how we have handled. I also want to discuss dicerning between spiritual experiences and just faulty mundane items. Too many times have I read or talked to people who make any and everything a sign. Sure, some CAN be, but is it logical? Maybe, but I still stand by the thought that not everything in life is some spiritual awakening or sign from the Gods and such. Life is pretty... normal.

    Driving My Mother Crazy

    My father is retired military, now. When I was growing up he was often on naval tours and back then there wasn't communication when he was crossing the Atlantic until he got over to the Africa coast. During these tours we lived with my grandmother until I was about six.

    When I was three I started developing my connection with the spiritual world through my great grandmother. She would come in the middle of the night when I woke up scared to tell me stories so that I would go back to sleep. I would later wake up in the morning and tell my mom and grandmother all about them.

    It really freaked them out when I started to say that I thought my dad was dead because he wasn't able to call. Needless to say, my mom tried to stop my gift from developing out of fear. I definitely don't want to treat my kids like that when it comes to them hitting that special age of talking and still being innocent enough to attract spirits on accident. Some people, even as practicers or those brought up around the pagan faith, can still be very scared of particular gifts. 


    We own my husband's childhood home. It's old and, like most old homes, it has a past. When my son turned three he made friends with the little blonde boy in his closet. He didn't even know what blonde was, so it was an odd conversation.

    My husband later told his sister about him having an imaginary friend, because that's what we put it off as. She then reminded my husband about the ghost in the closet that would play with her toys and tell her stories. We connected the dots and realized real quick what it was. Since the boy seems harmless enough, my son continues to sleep in the same room, now almost three years later, and we haven't had any issues. Things go missing, fall off his dresser, and general funny things, but nothing harmful or alarming.

    The Rocking Horse

    Around this same time my in-laws bought a huge riding horse for my son. At first it was normal. It has a sensor in it to sound off as it were galloping when it was ridden and a toy carrot put to it's mouth made a chewing sound.

    As time went on though this horse developed a light sensitivity. It's more than that though. If it fades gradually from day to night, then it's normal. But if you turn on a light and turn it off it makes a neighing noise. We noticed that when we just covered its head it didn't notice any change. Then it stopped altogether a few months ago. My husband has our room blacked out due to his work schedule; day light is hard to sleep in. We moved the horse into our room so we could fix up his room and the horse started up again but worse. It would makes noises all hours of the night until we moved it back over. It's an off phenomena, but hardly ghost reactions. 

    This is one of those instances when I always suggest science before spiritual. Not everything is going to be a ghost just because one instance is. I think this is a good lesson in how one should and how another shouldn't approach the situation. Not everything is so spiritual. Weird, sure, but not unexplained. It's also not say that you shouldn't just shrug off such occurances since kids so have an affinity for the unusual. Case by case basis.

    Want to see the video of the horse?

     © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

    Wednesday, June 27, 2018

    Midsummer - Lithasblot

    So I've been dreading writing this blog because I know it'll turn into this huge debate like the one about Eostre. However, sometimes being the bearer of bad news is a necessity.

    What is Midsummer?

    This is the Summer Solstice neo-pagan and old Celtic celebration for the longest day of the year. Depending on your location it can take place anytime from June 20th up to the more traditional Norse and Upper Northern Germanic Religions July 14th. Today, using the Gregorian calendar, we centered the date on June 21-22. I think this is perfect because of the power number that 22 is. Scientifically speaking, this day changes from year up year simply because 1) the year is never just 365 days and 2) the seasons shift due to current climates and changes. In the more northern counties there is rarely any nighttime during this day. In the Southern hemisphere, this is time to celebrate Yule, the darkest day of the year.

    How to Celebrate:

    You would celebrate it the same way you would Litha; bonfires, fairy cakes, fertility and love spells. However, and this is where it gets disappointing, the Germanic Pagans DID NOT celebrate this holiday. In fact, they were often day too busy harvesting, planting, raiding, and hunting to have a real holiday. There's actually only three Blots recorded. What they did do was hold a very important meeting called the Allthing. It would last a good portion of the night and was very solemn. If they did hold a celebration, it was short and done after. Most likely by themselves at their homes, also. This is largely speculation because there isn't any evidence of a holy presence during this time. Now Freyja and Frey are said to work together to create the budding fruit from flowers and trees. However, at this time, we also usually honor the death of Baldr. In the story, Loki murdered Baldr with mistletoe, the only living thing that Freyja never made a pact with to keep them from killing get son. This is likely a reason why there wasn't a celebration. It was a funeral. Baldr was the most beautiful and most loved God by how Pantheon. He just simply couldn't do wrong and Loki used his blind brother to kill him.

    Modern Midsummer

    Do I think it's wrong to celebrate now? No! 

    In fact, I would encourage it. Religion evolves. It's a living, breathing thing because of human faith. We proof of this as the religion moves from Proto-Germanic to Anglo-Saxon and then to Norse. In today's society we have a lot more time on our hands to give to the Gods. The Germanic Paganism is extremely Sun worship centered so making this an important time is proper and I support this movement to make it a holiday. Today, you'll see bonfires and flower picking as well. There's also one some who place a stuffed witch and burn it in honor of those who died before us. More and more, people are against this, though, and see it more as a undermining of the thousands of innocent lives lost.

    I, personally, decorate my house in yellow and white flowers. I pull out my white and gold decor. I try to get my kids outside more and more in the mornings and really push my own Freyja worship at this time. I also try to draw from my ancestors and I do my best to work at this time, but instead my giving back to my community, planting, cleaning, and trying to keep my neighborhood kept up. We keep water in the car to hand out to the homeless when we come across them, simple things that give back and give thanks.

    Ocean deities are also invoked at this time and likely we're back then because they would be raiding at this time. There was also a May Pole in some areas of Europe, but this rain is likely because if the difference of time in the ground thawing and growing grass.

     © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame

    Wednesday, June 20, 2018

    Litha - Summer Solstice

    Want this image? Find us on Pinterest.


    Litha is more a Celtic tradition. I'm not well versed in how it is celebrated, but I have read that bonfires are usually set out in honor of the witches who were burned. Apparently, this was high time for the Inquisition. They would also set out foods for the fae and give thanks for the warmth of the Sun God/dess. The leave ito honey cakes and wear bright colors in celebration of the longest day if the year. The fairies were known to be traveling at this time of year partying and making love and if you were lucky, you could hear their other wordly music.


     There are also fertility ceremonies and spells continuing through to the summer months. With the warm weather its the time known all of the world as a baby making season. We give thanks to the fertility of the land and animals in the spring, but this is the human season of fun. It's said in many articles I've read that girls would pick seven different types flowers and place them under their pillow to dream of their future husband, likely roses, dandelion, tulip (if they were still in season), daisy, and other wild flowers in their area. This was also the best time of the year for Handfasting, and still is the reigning wedding season today.

    Other fun

    Many say that the maypole is part of this celebration, however, the origins suggest that was truly May Day, or May 1st. Some will still practice a bird shooting game off of the pole, though now it's usually a fake one.


    Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Pink, Gold


    Carnations, Chamomile, Daisy, Elder, Fern, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Lavender, Lily, Mugwort, Oak, Rose, Thyme, Vervain, Yarrow


    Berries (especially strawberries), Summer Fruits, honey cakes, ale, wine, sun tea


    Amber, Citrine, Emerald, Jade, Tiger's Eye

     © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame