

Monday, June 4, 2018

Type of Relationship Magick - Friendship, Love, Marriage

The Steps of Love

So as stated in the last post, we were going over the different types of relationship magick. I feel that all of these play a role in relationship, more commonly known as "love", magick because they are all involving that same emotion, just on different levels. You have to first love yourself to find a true friend. You have to be friends with your significant other to make the relationship last. They all are intertwined and so they all work the same way. 

A Platonic Love

Friendship Spells are usually more involved than just making friends. It's overcoming anxiety in a new place or in your everyday life to become more sociable. It can be about coming out as yourself, your true self, and wanting people to see the better part of you. You could be in a situation that involves fake or poisonous friends who are really out to bring you down instead of raise you high above in whatever path you choose. Having that stepping stone in life is very important and should always be built upon. You really only need a handful of real friends, but it's attracting them into your life that is the difficult part. As a mom with toddlers, I know this is a struggle. You want your kids to have friends, so you feel you should befriend the parents of their play dates, but those are so often superficial and can later on be more hurtful. 

A simple friendship spell:

Take a yellow candle and carve into it your desire:
"Making new friends", "True friendship", "gaining confidence", etc

Salt - for good vibes
Orange - joy, blessings, and frienship
Lavender - happiness, general relationship herb
If you're attracting - Catnip
If you're wanting to be rid of Negative friendships or emotions - Lemon

As you mix the herbs together, think of your intention. You can write your own spell and say it as make the mixture and place it around your candle as well. Burn the candle down in the herbs and keep the wax in your living room, preferably near the door.

First Comes Love

Love and marriage spells are fairly self-explanatory. They're meant to attract that energy your way or to grow on the emotions already there. As I said before, you can't FORCE someone to love you. This initial misunderstanding on how to work these is where you'll find a lot of failures in your spell work. Unless they are causing you emotional harm or already experience those wants, the spell simply has nothing to work with. Most of the time these spells are used as a push in a direction they're simply too scared to walk down themselves or they feel like the romance won't be reciprocated. This can even include the Ducky's left in the friend zone. (If you get that entire reference, we're both old.)

Here's some sweet love and marriage spells:

Carve off an entire apple skin in one full piece. Ask who you're going to marry three times and toss it over your shoulder. The skin will land in the initial of your future spouse. If you fail three times, you'll never marry. 

Slice an apple in half and pull out the seeds. Name each seed, one at a time, and toss it into a fire. If it suits back, then that's the name of your next love interest. 

The Handfasting: when you marry, you may see many pagans using cord to wrap around their hands during their vows. This is symbolic of their union and also a spell to bind them to one another.

  © 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame Image is picked from Wikihow which has a cute love spell walk through. They own all rights and usages to the image and may ask to have image removed at any time. 

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