Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Moon Magick Master Post
This is will be updated as we move along the course, so always check back for more.
Moon Magick Introduction
Heathen New and Full Moon Rituals
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame
Moon Magick Introduction
Heathen New and Full Moon Rituals
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame
Monday, January 29, 2018
Image Meaning Dictionary
Here is a list of symbols that I personally use. These can be used for wax readings, flame gazing, smoke reading, and tasseography.
Acorn : at the top means success and gain, but at the bottom means good health.
Aircraft : journey; if broken means danger of accident or unsuccessful projects; can also mean a rise in position
Anchor: good luck in business and a stable love life, rest, stability, constancy; at bottom it means clouded or inconstant.
Angel: good news, especially in love-related matters; someone is watching out for your best interests
Ant : you are in industrious person, but there is more work ahead
Apples: long life; success in school or business; knowledge; achievement
Arrows: bad messages or news from the direction in which the arrow points
Axe: difficulties; if at top overcoming of difficulties; someone near you may be planning to stab you in the back with lies, deceit
Baby: something new, pregnancy, small worries
Bag: a trap; if open, escape
Ball: completion, variable fortunes
Balloon : Your troubles will be over soon.
Bear: trouble ahead
Bell: harmonics, creation, spiritual, unexpected news; good if near the top, good news, wedding to be set
Birds: good luck, possibly a good journey; will be pleasant and productive; ascension,
Boat: a visit from a friend; life path (note size of boat); protection hi
Bouquet: very good luck, including good friends, success, and a happy love life
Bridge: a good journey
Book: you will find your answer by something written, if open it’s good news; if closed you need to investigate something
Bush: new friends, opportunities, something growing in life
Butterfly: success and pleasure; transition, transformation, fickleness
Cabbage: jealousy; with dots, at work
Candle: enlightenment, sacred light, creation flame, help from others
Cap: trouble, take care
Cat: deceit, a false friend, keep eye on treacherous friend/relative
Car: approaching wealth
Castle: an unexpected fortune (monetary or otherwise)
Chain: DNA, engagement, a wedding, chain link, karm
Chair: a guest
Chicken: No take off, not meeting potential or not having the necessary tools to move forward.
Chicken: No take off, not meeting potential or not having the necessary tools to move forward.
Cigar: new friends
Circles: expect money or presents; success, completion; with a dot inside means a baby
Clouds: trouble; with dots, many problems; if flecks scattered, troubles soon over, if solidly grouped, financial woes will soon materialize
Clock: alchemy of time and consciousness, better health
Clover: very good luck; happiness and prosperity
Coffin: lengthy sickness or the death of a loved one
Coin: change in financial status, money coming
Comb: an enemy
Compasses: business travel
Cow: prosperity
Cross: trouble, delay or death, protection, sacrifice
Crown: success and honor
Cup: reward, blood lines
Dagger: warning, danger from self or others, power, beware of recklessness
Dish: trouble at home
Dog: good friend, Sirius, celestial connotation, Egyptian god, Anubis; if at bottom, friend needs help
Dolphin: To see one means emotional trust. Jumping out of water means happy and fun times ahead.
Door: opening (to something new) or closing (old issues and relations), spiritual (portal), odd event
Dragon: large and sudden changes
Duck: money coming; everything is happening according to plan
Eagle: honor and riches achieved through a change in housing
Egg: good omen, creation, new beginnings, sacred geometry
Elephant: luck and good health; wisdom, strength, trunk up indicates overcoming obstacles or a good omen
Envelope: message coming, positive or negative
Eye: creation; open (awakening); closed (something not seen)
Face: a change, may be a setback, many faces can mean various things so pay attention to their position.
Fan: flirtation
Feather: ascension, lack of concentration
Fence: limitations, minor setbacks, not permanent
Finger: which finger, pointing in a specific direction or it emphasizes whatever sign it points at
Fire: sacred flame if at top achievement; at bottom danger of hasty movements or decisions
Fish: good news from another country; good fortune
Flag: danger
Flowers: love or important honor may come to you
Fly: domestic annoyance, minor annoyance may become major problem if not addressed immediately
Fork: speak with false tongue, false flattery
Forked Line: decision
Fox: backstabbing from a close friend
Frog: be ready for dramatic change in life
Fruit: fruitful, prosperity (depends on the fruit too), planting something new.
Gate: opportunity, future success, ancient civilization, portal, doorway
Glass: integrity
Glow: enlightenment
Goat: enemies
Grapes: happiness
Greyhound: hard work paying off with good fortune
Gun: disharmony, slander, anger, sex, quarrels
Hammer: challenges overcome; hard work needed, getting a point across
Hand: creation, if open means friendship; if closed means an argument
Harp: creation harmonics, love, harmony
Hat: success in life; head, consciousness, improvement
Hawk: jealousy
Heart: good things to come, such as money (if surrounded by dots) or marriage (if with a ring); chakra, pleasure, love, trust, compassion, someone is there in whom you may confide
Horn: abundance
Horse: if galloping means good news; if just the head means a lover or nebula
Horseshoe: success in choosing a partner; a lucky trip; good luck, attraction, Earth’s magnetics, Omega or Leo, closure, go ahead with your plans
Hourglass: imminent danger; time running out, need to decide something, synchronicity, illusion, creation, take more time for decision
House: security, change, business success
Iceberg: danger, planetary meltdown, ice age, consciousness frozen in time
Insect: depends which one, problems are minor and easy to overcome
Jewels: Pearls, Diamonds, gifts
Kangaroo: harmony at home
Kettle: death; (if its on the right side) not a serious illness
Kite: a long trip leading to honor; wishes coming true, flying free
Knife: disaster met through fighting and hatred; broken friendship, hidden enemy, avoid misunderstandings with those close to you, Mind your health, beware of potential lawsuit
Ladder: promotion, a rise or fall in life, DNA
Lamp: turned on means enlightenment, at the top means a feast; at the side means secrets revealed; at the bottom means postponement
Leaf: new life
Letter (square of rectangular leaves): news; initials nearby signify the bearer of the news; dots with the letter means money, but if the image of the dots is cloudy, it means loss of money
Lines: journey, and the direction of the journey (when reading with nearby symbols); wavy lines mean difficult journeys; straight lines can also mean peace, happiness and a long life
Lion: Leo, Omega, Closure, influential friends, strength, Zoroaster
Lock: obstacles (if closed); new information unfolding (if open), lock and key are phallic symbols of creation
Loop: loops of time and creation, avoid impulsive actions, slinky effect
Man: near handle, a visitor: clear and distinct, a dark person; vague, a light colored person
Mask: something hidden, excitement, insecurity
Moon: happiness and success; a crescent moon means prosperity; if full, romance is ahead, a half-moon is time to leave old projects and move on to new ones, a quarter moon warns against making hasty decisions
Mountain: a powerful friend; (if many mountains) powerful enemies; obstacles or a specific area, great goals, or difficulties
Mouse: theft
Mushroom: a sudden separation of lovers following a fight; at top means journey or moving to the country; near bottom means rapid growth; if reversed means frustration
Nail: injustice, unfairness
Necklace: complete, admirers; if broken means danger of losing a lover
Needle: recognition, admiration
Oak: health, long life, tree of life
Octopus: danger, 8, infinity
Ostrich: travel, not seeking a truth
Owl: sickness, poverty, warning against starting a new business, deceit in love and other unlucky events, gossip, scandal
Palm Tree: success, honor, place were they grow
Parasol: open (you will glean insightful information), closed (something hidden), raining (water symbol of creation); new lover
Parrot: repeating something, a twin, a journey, people talking and saying nothing
Pear: wealth, social status, possibly a financially beneficial business move or marriage
People: symbol varies with what they are doing, but the symbol of people is usually good
Pig: a faithful lover but jealous friends; greed or prosperity depending on placement
Pine tree: contentment
Pistol: danger
Purse: at top means profit; at bottom means loss
Question Mark: need for caution
Rabbit: success in a city; need for bravery, time and illusion
Rake: watch details, planting seeks, reap what you sow
Rat: losses through enemies or employees
Raven: bad news, death that leads to new beginnings
Reptiles: arguments
Ring: marriage; if a letter is nearby, it is the initial of the future spouse; if the ring is at the bottom, it means the marriage will not take place; if the ring is surrounded by clouds, it signifies an unhappy marriage
Rose: Rose bloodline, creation, flower of life, love, may be accompanied by a fragrance in the room, popularity
Saw: trouble from strangers; interference, tear apart, something viewed
Scales (old-fashioned, weight-measuring ones): a lawsuit; legal issues; if balanced means just result; if unbalanced means unjust result
Scissors: arguments; a break-up; illness; possibly separation
Shark: danger of death
Sheep: prosperity and success; good fortune
Ship: a successful or worthwhile journey
Shoe: sole/soul, condition of shoe is important, transformation
Snakes: a bad omen; take caution!; wisdom; (if the snake is attacking an enemy or a person) a small misfortune may only slightly impede your plans for success, you shall overcome the effects
Spider: weaving together, reward at work
Spoon: generosity
Squares: comfort and peace
Star: good luck; if surrounded by dots, wealth, and honor; health and happiness, hope, heavens, Isis and other goddesses, female energies
Sun: happiness, success, power
Swan: good luck and a happy love life
Sword: arguments, especially between lovers; a broken sword means an enemy will win
Table: social gatherings, outside the box
Tent: travel, cover, hidden truth
Thimble: changes at home
Tortoise: criticism, usually beneficial, slow-moving, Turtle Island (Earth)
Tower: disappointments
Trees: good luck; prosperity and happiness; if surrounded by dots, fortune will be found in the country; improvements of life, creation, book of life, your life path
Triangles: good luck or an unexpected inheritance; something unexpected
Umbrella: difficulty; annoyance
Unicorn: scandal
Urn: Death; funeral
Vase: a friend needs help
Violin: egotism
Volcano: harmful emotions
Wagon: a wedding, wagon wheels (wheels within wheels)
Wasp: romantic problems
Waterfall: prosperity
Wheel: inheritance; if complete means good fortune; if broken means disappointment
Wings: messages
Woman: your great desire is for love and happy family life
Wolf: jealousy
Worms: secret enemies
Yoke: domination
Zebra: adventure, especially overseas, black and white
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame
Lychnomany and Capromancy
These are fairly quick subjects because it's rather cut and dry, but they're still very important to at least know about. If you ever get a chance, I highly suggest that you work this into your witchy repertoire.
This is lighting a candle and gazing into the flame to divine. You can use the same images, but these ones, in my experience, tend to be more mobile and play out in a story. I don't do this often because I have toddlers and this takes a large amount of concentration and you must be in a place where you won't be disturbed. Make sure there isn't a lot of air flow that could disrupt the flame or cause a misreading. With this I prefer a taper because they're a decent medium size where I can carve into it what my question or intent is and also do an herbal rub.
Here is a simple spell to practice your flame gazing:
Set up three candles in a triangle shape. They should not touch or be too close to one another, so at least two to three inches away from each other. Turn out all other lights and light the candles using the same match. Ask one question at a time while gazing about 6 inches BEHIND the candles.
If one flame starts to reach higher than the other two, the answer is yes. If two reach higher, then the answer is no.
If one flame wavers, or bends, it means there is a journey ahead. If more than one wavers, then there will be a long journey. This could mean physical, psychic, emotional, or developmental depending on your question.
If a flame spirals then someone is working against you. Two flames is a group of people. This could also indicate some pitfalls or obstacles you have to overcome. Ask more questions to be sure.
If a flame rises and falls, it indicates danger if you're not asking a yes or no.
If a candle sparks, then it's telling you to be cautious.
If one blows out in its own, then there;s bad luck down the road.
If one shines more brightly than the others, then there is good luck ahead.
Reading the smoke is pretty cut and dry.
If it blows towards you, then your prayer or spell will be accepted and worked in your favor.
If it blows away, then there are obstacles to overcome. However (!), if you're doing this for someone else, it could mean that the smoke is traveling to them. Watch for speed and distance.
If it wafts to the left, then you're too emotionally invested and could sabotage the outcome.
If it wafts right, then you should rely more on your head to pursue the situation.
You can also read smoke the same way you do flame gazing. This is best done with an open fire, though so that you can see clearly and get the best results.
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame
Friday, January 26, 2018
Strength - 8 -
Strength - 8 -
Strength, patience, compassion, demonstrating control
Weakness, lacking control, ignorance, anger
In this depiction of Strength we see the traditional female figure with a "tamed" lion. The woman is there to show that there is more than muscle when speaking about a persons strength and the lion here is actually being assisted. There is an age old story about a lion who steps on a thorn that causes him great distress, but it is too small to be pulled out by him. A smaller jungle dweller happens by him and offers his help, but only if the lion will not eat him. Admitting he needed the creature's help, the small savoir removes the thorn. The lion thanks him profusely and, true to his word, leaves the creature alone to live out his life. Here we see that strength is also admitting when we need help, to let go of our pride and take assistance without shame. It could also refer to the usual prey, the woman in this instance, has inner gull and compassion to step up and offer help even in the eye of danger to its own person, but knowing this is what's necessary and a person's life, or a lion's comfort, is in danger. We can also read it as saying that help may come from unexpected places or that our strength will be needed in an unexpected way. Even in the original the placement of the arms and hands have a meaning, the left is holding the paw while signifying mental strength, and the right is what pulls out the thorn showing physical. She is unarmed and completely at the mercy of this large predator, but so is the predator. It's a show of balance and equal reliance on each other to survive. Above them, we see the infinity sign throwing back to the Magician, showing a need of power, resourcefulness, and knowledge of the situation, grasping it and using the skills you have learned so far to push forward. While the Chariot is mainly exerting outer strength, this card is focused mainly on what's on the inside; our mind, emotions, heart, and spirit, and how to utilize them to overcome all that life has to throw at you. This can also mean that you're taming your own inner lions and are coming out a stronger person. That you're developing a higher consciousness and are willing able to take responsibility of all that you do and use that to help your own life and others'. You could also be exerting or finding your confidence to assert yourself as you or be telling you to release that self-doubt. You will endure. You will overcome. You are strong.
This could mean that you're allowing yourself to be the prey of your own self-doubt or weakness. Don't be victim to your subconscious and remember that you are better, you are worthy, and you are the epitome of strength. Maybe you're suffering from a setback in life, the punches are seeming to keep on a-comin'. You need to remind yourself that this is temporary! Everyone's arms get tired and you should focus on the positive in your life because even when there is something going so terribly wrong, there are often many things going so even more wonderfully right. Rebuild your self-confidence and esteem and try again or go another way. You conquered this jungle king once before and you will again. Instead of looking to other people's strength to raise you up, you need to start making your own. Meditate on what makes you wonderful, what you're good at, and what you can lend to the world to make it that much better. This could also be read that you are in a bad place mentally and emotionally, lashing out in anger, losing control, and are reacting instinctively instead of being proactive or compassionate. You need to find an outlet and regain that control. Relationship wise, you could be relying more on this person to define you than what is healthy causing you to doubt yourself as well as them, and make you anxious or overly protective as if they or someone else would take it away.
Angelica, basil, comfrey, thyme
Cat's Eye, jasper
An important event will happen within 30 days. Prepare.
Special Card Combinations to Look for:
The Magician - mastery over self and possibilities
Temperance - mastery over aspects of the world around
Chariot - Hard to control
Hanged Man - Take your time
Eight of Wands - Stay the path and create new realities within it
Nine of Wands - You will endure
Six of Swords - lacking confidence
Eight of Swords - Avoid tension that is about you
Eight of Cups - Forge a new path and don't worry about leaving what you know behind (if reversed - losing strength)
Five of Pentacles - Sickness
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Wax Reading
There are two ways you can read wax. The first is using the melted formations from candle spells and the other is using a scrying bowl. I'll be using some of my customer's images from the spell kits I sell, so the information will be limited and generalized for this post.
Melted Wax Reading
In the previous post we talked about how the candle melted as being a way to determine the main outcome of a spell. This is specifically for candle that are not in a jar, mainly because when you melt a full jar candle there's not supposed to be any wax left. However, when you use free standing candles, such as the male and female candles or the 7 knot candle, it'll burn down and leave a mess of the wax. In that mess is usually images, just like in Tasseography (which we'll start in the coming weeks). I, personally, use the same image meanings in both and have found them to be accurate. Placement of the image also has significance. All images on the left are in the past, the middle is present, and the right pertain to the future. Those at the "top", or the area furthest away from you, are emotional and the bottom is actual events in the person's life.
In this image we see a balloon. It's not quite shaped correctly for a penis, though at first glance that might be what you're thinking. As a reader, you must study the images and work with what comes to you. Since the image is mainly to the left, this is dealing with a past issue. You'll also notice that this is a larger image and spans most of that side and it's moving from the emotional area to the physical event area. I, personally, read that to mean that they had tried to hope for things to get better and then attempted to make it happen in their life around them as well. They had really put the effort into the relationship to repair it or just to make it happy.

On this side of the image we can make out two faces, one is looking almost up, and the other is a side profile. This is usually seen when two people are lying down on a bed together or one is sitting in the other's lap, both are loving gestures. So from this being depicted in the bottom right, we can assume that the spell is going to bring them back together and have them closer than before in a physical way. So the hard work put in the past seems to be paying off for them in the future.
I'll post a complete list of symbols for reference in your studies. I like using this type of reading because it gives me more insight into the outcome of the spell as well as the issues surrounding it. In one reading I had a genital pop up in the physical past and asked if the client had cheated. Tuns out they had and this changed the entire approach to the Bring Back My Lover spell. And, yes, the gender of the genitalia can be significant. Your clients or even yourself are not always going to be so open to what the actual situation is and may not disclose all the important information, usually not on purpose. Sometimes we just don't want to admit the truth. Different people will see different things, so I find it best to determine the images yourself, though some say a fresh pair of eyes may be a great help.
Scrying with Wax
You'll use the same images in this type of wax reading, but how you go about it is a bi different. You'll need a scrying bowl. Some people opt for the black marble, but that's a little expensive for my taste, so I use just a plain white stoneware, which is clay based. You can use a black one or really any color play you like. You can even fashion your own from a salt dough and carve into it divination symbols and really make it your own. I've actually been debating on making one myself. The point is, just make sure your scrying bowl is made from all natural materials and don't use it for anything other than scrying. Use purified water because tap water can contain chemicals that interfere with the wax. Be in an area where there isn't a lot of moving air, like a fan or an open window.
For the candle you can go all out and carve in sigils or symbols, use an oil (I would recommend an herbal rub), and choose a corresponding color, or just stick with an all purpose white candle or colored candle if you have one. In the video I used one of my left over chime candles, but it was also just so you could clearly see the wax. I wouldn't suggest a large or figure candle for this. Maybe something a little bigger than a chime and be ready to hold it for a while.
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame Images are owned by The Devil and The Dame
Monday, January 22, 2018
Gods and Goddess of Oimelc and Charming the Plow
I put these all on one post for ease of reference and because both holidays are celebrated around the same time. To learn more about each holiday follow the links: Oimelc and Charming the Plow
Son of Odin and giantess Gunnlod
God of Poetry
The bard of Valhalla
Einmyria :
Daughter of Loki and Glut
Goddess of Fire
Goddess of medicine, healing, and surgery
Eisa :
Daughter of Loki and Glut
Goddess of Fire
Daughter of Njordr
Goddess of love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, war, and death
Goddess of Foreknowledge and wisdom
Goddess of agriculture, abundance, prosperity, and virginity
Daughter of Grimir and Alvor
Fire Giantess
Considered by some to be more of a mythological creature than an actual goddess. Often confused as being married to Loki.
Logi: (Halogi)
Son of Fornjótr
God and personification of fire
Mengloth and Maidens:
Goddess of healing
Handmaidens: Hlif (women's problems), Hlifthrasa (respiratory system) , Thjodvara (bone, muscle, tendons, and other body mechanics), Bjort (fever), Bleik (purity or purification), Blith (mental problems), Frith (inner balance), Aurboda (making medicines and herbal healing),and Eir (listed above)
Goddess of fertility, abundance, sacrifice
Daughter of Billing
Goddess of winter (in general)
"Magically seduced" by Odin and gave birth to Vali
Skadi: (Skaði)
Daughter of Thiazi (Þjazi)
Giantess and Goddess of archery, bow hunting, mountains, winter weather
She's not necessarily a goddess and is only introduced into the pantheon through a marriage, though it failed. She is still beloved and worshiped as such
A fire Giant
Son of Sif, father is not known
God of archery, hunting, and all things related to winter such as skiing and skating, warlike
When Odin was in exile, Ullr ruled as chieftian
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame
Son of Odin and giantess Gunnlod
God of Poetry
The bard of Valhalla
Einmyria :
Daughter of Loki and Glut
Goddess of Fire
Goddess of medicine, healing, and surgery
Eisa :
Daughter of Loki and Glut
Goddess of Fire
Daughter of Njordr
Goddess of love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, war, and death
Goddess of Foreknowledge and wisdom
Goddess of agriculture, abundance, prosperity, and virginity
Daughter of Grimir and Alvor
Fire Giantess
Considered by some to be more of a mythological creature than an actual goddess. Often confused as being married to Loki.
Logi: (Halogi)
Son of Fornjótr
God and personification of fire
Mengloth and Maidens:
Goddess of healing
Handmaidens: Hlif (women's problems), Hlifthrasa (respiratory system) , Thjodvara (bone, muscle, tendons, and other body mechanics), Bjort (fever), Bleik (purity or purification), Blith (mental problems), Frith (inner balance), Aurboda (making medicines and herbal healing),and Eir (listed above)
Goddess of fertility, abundance, sacrifice
Daughter of Billing
Goddess of winter (in general)
"Magically seduced" by Odin and gave birth to Vali
Skadi: (Skaði)
Daughter of Thiazi (Þjazi)
Giantess and Goddess of archery, bow hunting, mountains, winter weather
She's not necessarily a goddess and is only introduced into the pantheon through a marriage, though it failed. She is still beloved and worshiped as such
A fire Giant
Son of Sif, father is not known
God of archery, hunting, and all things related to winter such as skiing and skating, warlike
When Odin was in exile, Ullr ruled as chieftian
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame
Friday, January 19, 2018
The Chariot - 7 -
The Chariot - 7 -
Diligence, willpower, control over self, victory
Loss or lack of control, unknown direction, aggressive
In the steampunk version you see the traditional six pointed stars on her umbrella. These stars represent our connection with the spirit. The two mechanical horses are powered by the steam of sheer willpower. She stands confident and ready for whatever fight she heading towards and will come out ahead. You may not at first notice the goddess symbol at her forehead. It leads her divinely. This card also stands for triumph and overcoming obstacles by controlling the situation with your inner (or outer depending on circumstance) strength, determination, and hard work. You will be victorious. So long as you keep focus you will obtain your goals and any hardship or struggle endured will only make you stronger. Grab the bull by the horns, be bold, and pursue your plans at this time. Another meaning for this card is travel, of course, but usually by the road, like car, train, or bike.
Reversed this card can mean being dragged through the life uncontrollably. Fate has toppled you and taken the reigns. You're worrying things are spinning out of control when you should be focusing on what you can take care of. Put your energy into reclaiming little parts of your life first, and then tackle the larger ones as they come. Focus on finding a direction for your life. You could also feel like you're cracking under pressure or losing self-control. Your anger is turning into aggressive outburst and they're taking a toll yours and other's around you. Maybe YOU'RE the one with the control problem and need to lighten up or take a step back. It's fine to let another make choices sometimes. It could be that you've lived under another's foot and seek greater control in your own life. You're wanting independence and crave the confidence to start making your own life decisions instead of taking the advice or being under the guidance of others.
Iris, St. John's Wort
Amber, Flourite
1-30 Days based on the Moon Phases during the reading: If it's a new moon, it's talking about a new start, a waxing moon is a testing point, a full moon is a when you let go of what's not working and make wishes for the future, and a waning moon is the time you put the plans in action or walk away from whatever is holding you back.
Special Card Combinations to Look for:
High Priestess - The path to success is through wisdom
The Star - Your outcome is blessed
Strength - Gaining an east control
Hanged Man - Accepting defeat
Tower - Humbling experience
Magician - Using your will to win
Two of Wands - In authority or dominating
Six of Wands - Triumph with self-confidence
Seven of Wands - The fight is going be difficult, but the spoils are far more worth it.
Seven of Swords - Unlikely victory by quick wits
Eight of Swords - Confusion and self-dobt
Ten of Swords - Powerless or putting others first
Seven of Cups - The victory is what you've dreamed about but it could be too much of a good thing
Seven of Pentacles - The victory will take time, but it will be much more impressive.
Nine of Pentacles - Self control through discipline.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
How to Read a Flame
This particular part of candle magick can be described as moderately difficult. I can't really put up a video of what exactly to look for, but I'll see if I can find something to at least demonstrate what to look for.
Now, flame reading, or ceromancy is used to basically read how a flame is reacting or burning during a spell. There is another form called lychnomancy where you literally gaze into the flame or a fire and use it to scry. I have done this successfully, but again it's not something I can demonstrate, so I'll try my best to describe it in full.
First and foremost, make sure where you are burning your candle is safe and does not have any form of wind or air blowing. In this case, I would even suggest turning off any fans in the room and maybe even closing vents depending on how high your air conditioner is and how strong it pushes the air out. Using a glass or encased candle won't make much of a difference in how it burns or on how to read a flame. However, if you plan on reading the wax, using a free standing candle is preferable. Always make sure you're doing the spell on the right day, at the right time (if possible), and for the right amount of time. A longer burning candle is used to for long term results or to get over more complex issues. A smaller burning candle, like votives or tea lights, are for quick and easy remedies or prayers.
Throughout this post we will mention blockages, these can be from outside sources or it can be you, yourself, sabotaging the work. Always look at the other signs to correctly read this so you can address the issue the right way.
Throughout this post we will mention blockages, these can be from outside sources or it can be you, yourself, sabotaging the work. Always look at the other signs to correctly read this so you can address the issue the right way.
Reading the Flame
If the candle has problems being lit, it possible you're doing the wrong kind of spell and should look into the situation better, then choose another path or type of spell. If it goes out during the spell, then the outcome is already determined and cannot be changed, or you have received what you asked for before the spell is through.
Also, if you can't blow the candle out or extinguish it, that means the spirits or Gods are not done working the spell yet. Let it burn a little longer if you can or ask for permission to put it out and relight it at a later time so it can continue.
Now in some cases of attracting a lover you'll use just one candle; mainly for general love work and not a specific person or trying to repair a split or current couple. If you're burning a candle and a flame comes out of the wax then the spell worked. If the two flames meet and become one again, then it'll be soon.
Another way to read this is if that single flame splits itself off into it's own, meaning going away instead of coming in. This would mean another person is involved or there's a spirit near by. Now, this can depend one 1) the type of spell work you're doing and 2) which type of candle you're using. For instance, if you're trying to contact the other side, then something is present and trying to reach you. If you're using two candles for a love spell, this could indicate an affair or interest in another person. It can also indicate a separate issue arising. Use your own judgement and insight when this happens.
Sometimes when you do a spell for other people or even yourself you'll hear a crackle or pop sound. This means that a spirit is trying to communicate with you or that there's some insight about the situation you need to know. I usually pull out my tarot and do quick readings to see where the conversation leads. You can also scry at this time using the actual flame since that's what they're communicating though or any other form of spirit communication you're comfortable with. There are also cases of it being the person you're doing a spell for is talking about you in some way. This would depend on the spell you're using and also any other signs the flame or candle is giving off.
If the flame flickers and you're using a devotional or a request from the Gods type of spell candle, then your petitions to the Gods will be heard. If you're trying to contact the other side for any reason, this is also a sign that spirits are near.
If the wick starts to build up or form a ball, there is some kind of blockage. Watch to see if this build up follows the wick down and how long it takes before its burned through. If the candle burns out and it's still there, then you need to try another way to first overcome or deal with this person or issue.
Length of the flame and color is also important. A nice, tall flame indicates that there is power behind the spell. If it is low or barely burning, you'll probably need a cleansing or there's a bloackage. If it's extra tall and thin, but doesn't produce smoke or soot, then you're in the presence of a benevolent spirit. If the flame color seems a little dark, or the flame appears to be acting aggressively, then the spirit is darker, but that doesn't mean it's there for an evil purpose. In both instances they're there to assist you. If the core is a normal healthy color (red center, slight blue lining, and a yellow outside), then the Gods are working are diligently. If the red core seems bigger, then the Gods are already at the heart of the matter. A dim core means that the motivations are not necessarily truthful. If there's a large blue lining, the outcome may not be favorable.
Reading Encased Candles
When you prepare a candle and place the herbs at the top, light it, and the entire top catches on fire, then the Gods are needing all of the energy from them to make the spell work. This is likely due to some serious bloackage being caused by outside influence. Also, if the herbs and such are not sticking to the glass (if you're using a jar) then the Gods are saving them for the end. You should look to other signs to determine what's happening and if it's going to be successful.
If it burns clean from beginning to end, the outcome is favorable.
If there is black soot or the glass blackened, then there is an obstacle. If its only down about half way and clears at the bottom, then the obstacle is overcome. If it's only at the bottom, then there's some blockage.
If it's white soot however, its a good sign that you are being cleansed or blessed especially when you work a protection or uncrossing spell. It could also indicate the presence of a spirit or Gods if the soot is only at the bottom. However, if the white soot only goes all the way down, you will need another cleansing. If it's half way down, then it was successful.
Now if the soot is only seen on one side of the candle, then you did the wrong spell, used the wrong herbs, or the spirits or Gods were not happy with the candle.
Sometimes, you can just get a poorly made candle or the glass isn't heat safe. Make sure the wick appears to be centered. If it's not and you burn it, you'll start to see scorch marks and the glass may break. If this is the case, you'll have to use another candle.
However(!), if you're burning a candle and it cracks without there being any evidence of the candle being made wrong and the glass is indeed heat safe, then that means there was blockage. If it doesn't break off, shatter, or chip, then the spell was protected and worked. I would still not continue using this candle. If the glass does break, then the blockage did stop your spell from working. You'll either need something stronger or to first work a spell to protect yourself and end any work being done against you or your services.
I'll talk about lychnomancy in detail this next candle magick post because it's a lot of information and I'll also include an easy spell. We'll talk about free standing candles later because most of it has to do with reading wax. Here is the Complete Candle Magick Course so far.
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame Image is free stock.
Monday, January 15, 2018
Oimelc, Imbolc, and Disting
For the purpose of this blog, I am distinguishing between the New Age and Anglo Saxon/Germanic holidays by using Imbolc and Oimelc receptively. Oimelc is actually the root word for Imbolc, though Oimelc is Anglo-Saxon for "ewe's milk".
Oimelc (Ewemeolc) is more of a Scandinavian tradition that date backs to Pagan times seen around the beginning of February. It's a celebration of your female ancestors, the Idises or Disir, and the Goddesses in general. I like to call it the original Mother's Day since it is focusing on who brought us into this world. We all know that without women, birth simply wouldn't happen, so we see a very great significance in the womb and females in general. This is also known as the feast of new beginnings and the festival of Idises.
Most new age pagans will be celebrating what is called Imbolc, which is basically the Celtic version of Oimelc, but with a very heavy lean on the Goddess Brigid. According to Goddess Gift, this is actually her Feast Day and is meant to symbolize that Spring is on its way. Back in our Holly King post, we discussed Brigid as the Winter Queen and bringing forth Beltane when the Summer begins. It's interesting that we would see her as both a winter goddess as well a spring time goddess because these two seasons are not normally thought to correspond to each other. However, when taking into consideration that most Celtics count their Samhain as the new year, it would be an easier idea to grasp. Spring is still an awakening into the new year and new harvests which haven't yet shown to be fruitful. This holiday is meant to celebrate that it will come and it will be great.
Now, with Norse, Scandinavian, and other Germanics, we would see Oimelc as the New Year because it is the beginning of the melting snows. This is usually celebrated around the time of Charming the Plow as well, so you'll see a lot of overlap between the two. While Charming the Plow tends to focus solely on the fertility and planting goddesses, Oimelc also celebrates the healing of the Earth and people after the harsh winters. Most of the time we'll see Ullr, Skadi, and Rindr being the center of attention here because of their deep winter ties, even if they're men. Other Gods to honor are Logi, Glut and her two daughters, Bragi, Eir, Mengloth and her maidens, and Surt. I'll create a master post next week to go into who is who and why.
Disting is specifically Norse and is really just another name for Oimelc. However, Disting itself, can and has been thought to be a whole other part. Some believe its a Thing, which is a meeting or gathering where laws and politics are disgusted. It's also written as the actual act of preparing the soil for planting, like the Plow celebration. Not much more is said on that though.
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame Image by Emil Doepler
Friday, January 12, 2018
The Lovers - 6 -
The Lovers - 6 -
Unions, Sex, Relationships, Values, Beliefs, Marriage
Disharmony, Break ups, Imbalance, Temptation
In the card itself you see the angel above the couple blessing the union. The couples are happy and seem to be bringing two worlds together, as depicted in the two different styles of lighting behind the man and woman. The business, more industrious side that usually represents the hard working man in a traditional role and the tree behind the woman showing her cultivating, or nurturing, side. There is a balance between them and the workload they each must now take on. The angel appears to be coming from a smoke, which is representative of air; communication. Even in this normally dark and dreary set of Tarot, you can sense a warmth coming from the couple and you notice how the sun seems to shine down on only them. The card itself represents everything to do with love, marriage, or dating. It's the expression of that bond that forms between two people strengthening each other and encouraging that growth of confidence and safety together. They can overcome anything hand in hand. It is also the sexual feelings and acts that come with being together and feeling comfortable in your skin while sharing each other in the most intimate of moments. This could also deal with just one person finding themselves, their values and wants in life, and what your personal beliefs are. Find You and be You no matter who that person is. Self love is the first step to finding true love. There is also a deeper meaning to this card. It could indicate something seriously life altering (much the way a marriage does) and you must choose the right path. However, take special care to examine all possibilities, as the easy way may not be the best and the roughest path may prove to be far more of an adventure into your true self. There may also be something that feels like a tough decision, but it'[s definitely a blessing in disguise, so take a deep breath and go for it. This is because your personal values (that you may still be developing) are being challenged in some way.
There is a chance that a love is turning into more of a obsession. Take a step back and reevaluate what this person is to you. Do you really love them? Are they making you a better person? Are they aligning with your personal beliefs and life goals? If not, then walk away. You could also be finding yourself as an object of the obsession or even be dealing with a partner more possessive than loving. If this is the case, then break it off. It can get ugly if you don't, and it may even be ugly when you do, but it's for the best. In this way, it could also mean that one person is simply more invested in the relationship than the other, which will always lead to disappointment in the end. There's no need to force something that isn't there. Maybe there is some kind of an affair already happening or the temptation of one. Beware of this. The temptation can also be for many other issues in your life, like taking the low road, compromising your self and values, a grass is greener on the side type of problem... Look to the surrounding cards before jumping to conclusions on this particular aspect. There may also be a case of not wanting to deal with responsibility, like children, or simply owning up to your actions. It can also mean an inner battle or even disharmony, dissatisfaction, or an unbalance in your relationship. Work on the communication, talk it out, even if it's something you feel you are doing to yourself. You're in this together, so relying on and helping each other is a fundamental part of the relationship.
Dragon's Blood, ginseng
1-30 days
Special Card Combinations to Look for:
The Hierophant - a deeper, more spiritual connection, a holy union
The Devil - An obsession or being shackled and tied down, an affair
The Tower - Separation
Hermit - Loneliness or lack of connection
Empress - Sexual fulfillment and pleasure
Three of Swords - Rejection
Two of Cups - Union or marriage
Five of Cups - Poor relationship or loss of love
Nine of Cups - Sexual pleasure
Ten of Cups - family, bonding
Ten of Pentacles - dealing with family and relations (parents, siblings, children)
Journey through all of the Cards here
Journey through all of the Cards here
© 2016, Copyright The Dame and The Devil Business Blog - Writer The Dame
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